
We aim to contribute to a healthier world by continuously acting and evolving in the right direction as a mountain adventure hotel. We are aware of the complexity of sustainability efforts in the place where we live and operate. Safeguarding the mountains while wanting as many people as possible to enjoy the activities and experiences that the mountain world offers is challenging but also rewarding. We are convinced that travel and experiences themselves contribute to social sustainability, and that well-being also provides new energy for continuous improvement in sustainability efforts. When we see the beautiful environment, we also become aware of our responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint for future generations.

We have decided to support Agenda 2030, be Swan Ecolabel certified, use environmentally certified electricity and bio-district heating, work towards more charging stations for electric cars, be members of Visita with collective agreements, and always prioritize people's joy of movement for better health. Welcome to Holiday Club Åre to discover the mountain world with care and an adventurous sustainability heart.

Agenda 2030 focus areas

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Agenda 2030

Holiday Club Åre supports Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our activities contribute to several of the goals, but we have chosen to highlight the 3 goals where we see that we can make the greatest impact. Each goal, in turn, contains a number of priority sub-goals that are directly linked to selected activities in our operations. To ensure quality and systematize our sustainability efforts, we base them on our guiding principles (enjoyment of food, joy of movement, and time together), our membership in Visita and collective agreements with both HRF and Unionen, as well as our certification within the Swan Ecolabel.

Here you can read more about the Sustainable Development Goals



Svanen "the Swan"

For many years, Holiday Club Åre has been part of the official Nordic environmental labeling. A Svanen-labeled hotel meets ambitious environmental requirements and has taken a comprehensive approach to its environmental work related to energy, water, food, waste, biodiversity, chemicals, and procurement. The operation has an active and structured approach to reducing its consumption and optimizing its operations to support the work towards sustainable production and development. The purpose of the entire environmental work is simply to continuously make good choices for the environment.

Here you can read more about Svanen Ecolabel