Konferens & event

Communications to Åre

There are many ways to travel to Åre. The railway station is in the middle of the village with direct entrance via footbridge to the Holiday Club. With both night trains and direct day trains, the trip to Åre is both climate-smart and pleasant. Several airlines also have daily departures to Åre/Östersunds Airport (about an hour's transfer to Åre), which gives a total travel time of two and a half hours from Stockholm or about four hours from Malmö and Gothenburg. There are several flights and options to Vaernes Airport outside Trondheim with about an hour and a half transfer to Åre.

Åre Strand, 837 52 Åre, Sweden

Plus Code for Google Maps: 93XG+66 Åre, Sverige
Link to Apple/Iphone Maps: Click here >>
GPS coordinates: Latitude: 63.398433 Longitude: 13.075445

Travel routes

To Åre, you drive all the way on European roads, either E14 or E45. E14 is the road that takes you to Åre.

Sundsvall-Åre: 285 km
Stockholm-Åre: 630 km
Göteborg-Åre: 890 km
Malmö-Åre: 1 120 km
Trondheim-Åre: 168 km
Oslo-Åre: 660 km

It is both climate-smart and pleasant to travel by train. Arrive rested and ready for adventure. The train station is next door to the Holiday Club and you can easily and quickly go over to the hotel.

Travel time by train
Stockholm-Åre: about 7 hours
Gothenburg-Åre: about 10 hours
Malmö-Åre: about 11 hours

Train companies you can travel with
SJ - www.sj.se
Snälltåget - www.snalltaget.se
Norrtåg - www.norrtag.se

There are two international airports nearby Åre. About an hour to the east is Åre Österssund Airport, which is Jämtland's largest airport and has direct flights to Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Umeå and Copenhagen. If you go west instead, Trondheim Lufthavn Værnes on the Norwegian side is barely two hours away with even more international destinations.

Airport transfers
With Flygtaxi you can book a transfer between Åre Östersund Airport and Åre. Flygtaxi - www.flygtaxi.se.

Rental car
Via Swedavia's website, you can quickly see which companies have rental cars available on the exact dates you need. You can of course also book directly with the major companies Europcar, Hertz, Avix, Sixt & Budget and book with pickup from Åre Östersund Airport.
Swedavia's website - www.swedavia.se/ostersund/hyrbil.

Mabi also has unmanned rental car stations at Åre Östersund Airport (only called Östersund Airport when you search on their website).
MABI - www.mabi.se.

Car sharing company
You can book cars from both E-go and Aimo Share from Åre Östersund Airport. Download the respective app, find a car and book.
E-go - www.e-go.se
Aimo Share - www.aimoshare.se

During certain periods during the winter season, the Åre bus operates Stockholm, Uppsala, Gävle – Åre. More information is available at www.arebussen.se.

Easy to walk to the slopes
You can easily walk directly from the hotel to the nearest ski lift. Go via the footbridge over to Stationshuset and then up the hill to the square and go up with the classic Bergbanan. When you go back down to the hotel, you can ski all the way to Åre Torg and then walk the same way back.

Ski bus
If you have smaller children with you or want to save energy for the ski day, it's easy to take the ski bus. It runs on the other side of the railway from the Holiday Club. Feel free to download Skistar's app to your mobile and check the timetable. You get the fastest start if you get off the bus at VM8. It is also a tip for families with children going to Rödkullen, as there is an easier transport hill from the VM8's mountain station down to Rödkullen's family area.

Car sharing services
If you want to take the rest of the family to the slopes or take a short sightseeing trip by car, you can rent a car by the hour from E-go and Aimo Share. Perhaps a visit to Tännforsen or Åre Chokladfabrik?
E-go - www.e-go.se
Aimo Share - www.aimoshare.se

If you want to book a taxi, call one of the companies below.
Toptaxi - Phone: +46 [0]647-220 20
Taxi Åre - Phone: +46 [0]0647-100 22